Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Devon's McDonald Hidden Agenda

One of the key points to this whole Guzoo protest industry thing is to try and figure out just what Devon and her cult followers are really up to?? I know she doesn't like to work (who does). I know she is trying to make money from protesting against Guzoo. I know she is trying to get a name for herself in the protest business. I believe she is going to try and support herself using the protest industry as a job. If I could click my fingers and make all the changes that Devon figures needs done at Guzoo, she would just do another one of her sneaky inspections and come up with a whole new list.

There will never be at any time enough work done to make these screw-balls happy. Of course if Guzoo would close, Devon would have to move on to another unsuspecting animal shelter and start up a whole new batch of lies.What is Devon really up to here??


Friday, April 4, 2008

Why Would I Blog??

Blogging could be something personal such as telling family about a trip you were on or sharing experiences. Blogging often means you have something to say or a point you want to make. You want to be heard. Blogs don't have to be real. I blog because I need to tell as many people as I can about the craziness of animal rights extremists.

One of the best bloggers I have come across is Devon McDonald. She can take the smallest problem and blow it up into something that is not even recognizable. If I eat a whole can of beans for breakfast and Devon gets wind (pun intended) of my digestion problems, she will call in the environmental people to find out where the methane gas leak is. Then Devon will produce letters from the neighbours complaining about the gas smell and how it's been going on for years and the government has done nothing about it. She will put up 10 pages of propaganda explaining the health problems associated with living so close to the methane gas. She will demand the government come in and dig up my house till you find the gas leak. All this over a can of beans.

If animal rights extremists bug you like they do me, blog it. Blogs are only an opinion, you can say just about anything you wish. Blogs are free and there are lots of them. By not speaking up, you are allowing these clowns to have their say with no rebuttal.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Discovery Wildlife park

Discovery wildlife Park is a small zoo of approximately 100 animals. Located near Innisfail Alberta, it is an educational wildlife park featuring daily animal presentations allowing visitors to get up close to the bears, tigers, lions, monkeys, etc. Park has taken in orphaned wildlife from the region. It, like the Guzoo Animal Farm has come under fire from animal rights groups . (Voice for Animals, ZooCheck Canada and WSPA)

Zoocheck Canada is a national animal welfare charity established in 1984 to promote the interests of wildlife in captivity and in the wild. Zoo Check is a charity group with no real power over any zoos, they are not a government agency.
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an animal welfare charity that works internationally and locally to end cruelty to animals through field work, campaigning, and education. WSPA is a another charity group with no real powers. Both Zoocheck and WSPA can only make suggestions, nothing they say is enforceable.

The Alberta Government announced the new zoo standards in October 2005. The Alberta Government regularly check on the both Alberta Zoos. And provincial officials said both zoos have passed recent inspections. "Alberta Sustainable Resource Development spokesman Darcy Whiteside said officials will review the two reports even though they visit the zoos regularly and found no violations when they inspected Guzoo three weeks ago and last visited Discovery Wildlife Park in July."

"On the day we went out there, they were complying with the zoo standards," Whiteside said. Guzoo owner Lynn Gustafson and Discovery Wildlife Park owner Doug Bos both denied the violations outlined in the reports. We've been inspected less than a month ago ... and I had no indication there was any problem," Gustafson said. "Certainly it's safe, you're in more danger driving here than you are when you get here."

So where is the problem?? The Alberta Government claims that both Guzoo and Discovery have been checked out and they are following the rules set forth. Zoocheck and WSPA say their not. Could it be that Zoocheck and WSPA have different zoo standards?? I have no idea!!

"Since 1995, WSPA has been calling for tougher provincial legislation that would force all zoos to operate at a higher standard."

As always I warn everyone...make sure you understand where your donations are going. Look carefully into the animal rights organizations that you might want to support. You just may be in for a surprise.
